Also, if something gets rejected, the AI retries it all the time, so you have to vote over and over again. I'm being asked all the time if I want to vote in favour or against this or that, without being able to see what the effects are if it gets accepted. It's nice that so much effort has been put into the EU mechanics, but I think in some respects it works badly, so playing an EU country is not really fun. I’ll start with what’s frustrating me most: the European Union Some things are problems that I think have to be fixed, others are just ideas what in my opinion would be great if it could be added to the game at some point. So although I think it is generally a great mod with lots of potential and many creative new game mechanics, I'm going to focus on what I see as problems or things that could be further developed in the future. Since some of the modders seem to be reading the discussions and said that they are interested in feedback, I'd like to give my ideas on what could improve the game in future from y point of view.